Talga Resources updates on graphene-based battery anode and sensor work

In its latest quarterly review, Talga Resources reported interesting highlights such as graphene battery anode testing and work with the IIT on graphene-based sensors.

On the battery front, Talga is conducting a testing program with the University of Warwick, UK, for its graphite products to be used in anodes of Li-ion batteries. In addition to graphite, this program is also testing water-based, rather than toxic solvent-based, graphene anode formulations. The Talga aqueous graphene-based formulations will also be tested under roll-to-roll coating conditions which are suitable for commercial scale battery anode manufacture.

Talga also reported that results a collaborative scientific study undertaken with the Indian Institute of Technology (using Talga materials in a nitrite sensor application) used graphene made from Talga's graphite to construct a new form of sensor to detect nitrites, a widespread chemical of the natural and industrial world and major component of air and water pollution. The graphene-based sensor successfully improved sensitivity to nitrite by over 10x that of competing sensor materials. In addition, the use of graphene enabled a simpler, more eco-friendly production process and lowered the amount of expensive active ingredients.

Talga also provided updates on its development initiatives and industry dialogues, primarily in Europe. Talga has also applied for a range of European funding opportunities as a single applicant and also as a member of industry-led consortia looking to secure future funding related to graphene research and its commercialization.

Posted: Jan 30,2017 by Roni Peleg