Graphene sensor functionalized by NiO could improve ammonia detection

Researchers from Korea, including ones from Seoul National University and Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, have developed a room-temperature self-activated graphene gas sensor functionalized by nickel oxide (NiO) nanoparticles and demonstrated its application to wearable devices monitoring ammonia gas.

The team introduced NiO nanoparticles onto graphene micropatterns to create a highly selective and sensitive ammonia sensor that can operate effectively even in the demanding conditions of wearable electronics. This advancement represents a potential step forward in sensor technology, particularly for applications such as food quality monitoring and wearable devices that track air quality.


The research addressed graphene’s inherent limitations as a gas sensor. Graphene’s atomic structure gives it a large surface area, making it excellent at detecting gases through surface interactions, but this same structure, the team explained, also limits its ability to differentiate between different gas molecules. Previous research has tried to enhance graphene’s selectivity through various methods, including plasma treatments and the addition of noble metals like platinum and gold. However, these approaches often come with significant drawbacks, such as high cost, complex fabrication processes, and suboptimal performance under real-world conditions.

In this study, the researchers opted for a different strategy by using NiO nanoparticles instead of noble metals. Transition metal oxides, like NiO, offer several advantages in gas sensing due to their unique electronic properties and ability to interact strongly with specific gas molecules. Nickel oxide, in particular, has been shown to exhibit strong binding with ammonia molecules, making it an ideal candidate for improving graphene’s selectivity.

The fabrication process of the sensor involved several intricate steps, starting with the synthesis of graphene through chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for the creation of high-quality graphene films. After transferring the graphene to a flexible polymer substrate, the researchers used a photolithographic process to create micropatterns, which were then coated with a thin film of nickel nanoparticles. These nanoparticles were subsequently oxidized into nickel oxide during a process called self-activation, where applying a voltage through the graphene generates heat, leading to the oxidation of nickel into NiO.

The result is a transparent, flexible, and highly efficient gas sensor. One of the most remarkable features of this sensor is its ultra-low power consumption, a key requirement for wearable electronics. Traditional metal-oxide-based sensors often require external heaters to operate at high temperatures, which increases their power consumption. In contrast, the NiO-functionalized graphene sensor relies on Joule heating, where the current passing through the graphene generates enough heat to enhance its sensing properties without the need for additional energy-intensive components.

The NiO nanoparticles play a critical role in the sensor’s operation. Through density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the researchers were able to demonstrate that the nickel oxide interacts strongly with ammonia molecules. Specifically, the ammonia molecules are attracted to the vertices of the NiO nanoparticles, where the number of available bonds and the local electronic structure make it easier for ammonia to adhere. This interaction leads to a measurable change in the electrical resistance of the graphene, which is the fundamental principle behind the sensor’s detection capability.

One of the most significant results of this study is the sensor’s sensitivity. The NiO-functionalized graphene sensor can detect ammonia at concentrations as low as 2.547 parts per trillion (ppt), a level of sensitivity that is unprecedented in the field of gas sensors. This extremely low detection limit opens up new possibilities for applications in food safety, where even trace amounts of ammonia can indicate the onset of spoilage. The sensor’s high selectivity also ensures that it responds primarily to ammonia, rather than being confused by the presence of other gases like hydrogen or carbon monoxide.

In practical terms, the researchers demonstrated the sensor’s ability to monitor beef spoilage in real-time. As meat degrades, it releases increasing amounts of ammonia. By embedding the sensor in a wearable device, the researchers were able to continuously monitor ammonia levels and trigger an alarm when the concentration exceeded a specific threshold, signaling that the meat was no longer safe for consumption. This kind of real-time monitoring has the potential to benefit food safety practices, allowing consumers and businesses to detect spoilage at an early stage and prevent foodborne illnesses.

Moreover, the sensor’s flexibility and transparency make it suitable for integration into a wide range of wearable electronics. In their experiments, the scientists subjected the sensor to mechanical bending, simulating the conditions it might experience in a wearable device. Even under strain, the sensor maintained its performance, demonstrating its durability and potential for long-term use. The sensor also proved to be highly stable in humid conditions, a significant advantage over traditional metal-oxide sensors, which often suffer from performance degradation in the presence of moisture.

In addition to food safety, this technology has broader implications for environmental monitoring and healthcare. The ability to detect ammonia at such low concentrations could be applied to air quality sensors that track harmful gases in urban environments. It could also be used in medical diagnostics, where ammonia levels in exhaled breath are used as biomarkers for conditions such as kidney disease or infections.

This research could open the door to the development of next-generation sensors that are not only more sensitive and selective but also more practical for everyday use. By moving away from noble metals and embracing transition metal oxides like NiO, the researchers have created a sensor that is both cost-effective and scalable, making it a viable candidate for mass production.

Posted: Sep 17,2024 by Roni Peleg