Graphene Study 2015

Event Duration:  
Kaprun, Austria

Graphene Study 2015 is a week dedicated to graphene studies, organized by Europe's Graphene Flagship. This event brings together research students working on graphene and related two-dimensional materials with experienced scientists and engineers from academia and industry. In addition to formal lectures and poster sessions, Graphene Week provides participants with opportunities for networking and community building.

Graphene Study 2015 will focus on four closely related topics:

  • Fundamental science of 2D materials
  • High-frequency electronics
  • Optoelectronics
  • Spintronics

There will be 30 hours of lectures, two poster sessions, and three mini-workshops, including sessions on peer-review publication and research grant applications. The cultural programme will feature a welcome reception, slalom skiing competition, and a Pecha Kucha night. You can think of the latter as karaoke for geeks...

Graphene Study 2015