Perpetuus and Cientifica to join forces on graphene projects

Perpetuus Carbon Group announced another partnership, this time with Cientifica. The two companies aim to bring together graphene technology, market demand and finance to the UK. They also want to create an integrated value chain - from graphene production to consumer and industrial applications. As part of the collaboration, Perpetuus will provide technical support to Cientifica’s planned product development.

As part of the press release, Perpetuus says that Finland's G-Heat Limited developed a new infrared heating technology. G-Heat use flat panel heaters that are based on graphene. Those heaters emit infrared light at wave-lengths precisely tailored for maximum comfort and minimum energy use. G-Heat says that their heaters will maintain the same level of comfort like conventional heaters, but will consume up to 70% less energy. It's not clear from the release, but I guess G-Heat is using Perpetuus' graphene and is being helped by Cientifica.

Perptuus Carbon Technologies entered the graphene supply market, and a month later the company launched two graphene based products - a graphene based ink and an ITO alternative polymer coating. The company also announced it is going to give up to 100 Kgs (worth $4.2 million) of surface modified graphenes to the UK graphene academic research community. A couple of days ago Perpetuus announced that they are going to co-develop graphene-enabled Li-S batteries with OXIS.

Posted: Jun 15,2014 by Ron Mertens