Graphene online course available worldwide

The Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden announced the 2015 launch of ChalmersX, a venture of moocs (massive open online courses) on the platform.

The first mooc will be an introduction to graphene, called Introduction to Graphene Science and Technology, as Chalmers is also the home of EU's research initiative Graphene Flagship.


The mooc will be led by graphene researcher Jie Sun, which saw the need of broad education on the subject. The mooc aims to conclude with participants that have basic knowledge of graphene, while engineers finishing the mooc should be able to determine if graphene is suitable for their company's products.

The moocs will be accessible to people around the world and Chalmers University sees this venture as a fulfilment of their role as knowledge disseminators, in a new and innovative way that goes beyond the national level that was possible so far. 

Posted: Nov 23,2014 by Roni Peleg