Medica S.p.a. is an Italian company that produces filters based on hollow fiber membranes for various applications, ranging from blood purification to water filtration.
Medica is a partner of the Graphene Flagship and is working to integrate graphene in water filters as part of the Spearheard Project Graphil.
The goal is to obtain a compact water filter, exploiting the best of the two materials: the hollow fiber membrane to eliminate microbiological contaminants (i.e. bacteria, viruses, endotoxins) and graphene oxide to remove emerging contaminants from water. The aim is to avoid multiple filtration steps and have all functions integrated into one device that can be installed directly into a household sink or portable water bottles.
As part of the Graphil project, Medica teamed up with other Graphene Flagship Partners, such as the French membrane manufacturer, Polymem, which works with other types of hollow fiber membranes, and a British company, Icon Lifesaver, which sells filters to use in emergency situations like making river water safe and potable. Medica also collaborates with CNR in Bologna, and Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) and the University of Manchester (UK).
Via Degli Artigiani, 7
41036 Medolla (MO)