Researchers use green chemistry approach to synthesize graphene oxide/silver nanocomposites

Researchers from Pakistan have reported a green approach to the synthesis of graphene oxide/silver nanoparticle nanocomposite.

Metallic nanoparticles (NPs) have various benefits in the field of electrochemistry. Because of their small size, nanoparticles may enhance the contact area of the electrode in use. Furthermore, metallic nanoparticles may boost the rate of mass transfer and provide quick electron transference, increasing the sensitivities of the used electrodes. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are relatively low cost and have distinct physical and chemical characteristics that make them helpful in several optical, chemical, and catalytic functions. Nanoscale composites of metallic nanoparticles and graphene oxide have promising applications in energy storage, supercapacitors, and electronics.

In their work, the researchers attempted to construct GO/AgNP nanocomposites in ambient conditions using an energy-efficient off-site approach.

As a green chemistry approach, the process employed the Hummers technique for synthesizing graphene oxide and biomolecules to reduce silver salt's controllable reduction. The integration of silver nanoparticles and graphene oxide was critical in creating GO/AgNP nanocomposites. Different spectroscopy and microscopy methods were used to characterize the produced nanocomposites and investigate their electrochemical characteristics.

The team examined the electrochemical behavior of the developed GO/AgNP nanocomposites using a facile off-site process as an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly green chemistry approach.

The production of silver nanoparticles was achieved by the simultaneous utilization of tri-sodium citrate and gallic acid as capping and reducing agents.


The GO/AgNPs nanocomposites were produced by combining varying quantities of silver nanoparticles while maintaining the graphene oxide quantity constant. The electrochemical analysis of surface-modified glassy carbon electrode revealed that the redox reactions were mediated by oxygen-containing, sp2-bound carbon and Ago at the surface.

The developed nanocomposites are viable materials for modification of the GCE in future applications.

Posted: Aug 03,2022 by Roni Peleg