Paragraf USA (Cardea Bio)

Nanomedical Diagnostics logo

San Diego-based Cardea Bio, previously called Nanomedical Diagnostics, turned into Paragraf USA when it was bought by UK-based Paragraf in May 2023.

Cardea Bio/Paragraf USA was established in late 2013 to develop cutting-edge diagnostics equipment. In 2016, the company started shipping its graphene-based sensors and the AGILE R100 system which allows for real-time detection of small molecules - with no lower size limit.

The Company's graphene-based sensors enable faster sample processing, greater accuracy, portability and cost savings, and are based on its graphene biological field effect transistor (BioFET) products.


In 2016 the company started shipping its first systems. We discussed the company's technology and business with its CEO Ross Bundy.

Company Address

9640 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92121
United States