"Flash Graphene" process modified to produce graphene from rubber waste

The flash process, introduced by Tour and his colleagues at Rice University in 2020, has now been optimized to convert waste from rubber tires into graphene that can, in turn, be used to strengthen concrete.

Rice scientists optimized a process to turn rubber from discarded tires into turbostratic flash graphene image

The atoms reassemble into valuable turbostratic graphene, which has misaligned layers that are more soluble than graphene produced via exfoliation from graphite. That makes it easier to use in composite materials.

Rubber proved more challenging than food or plastic to turn into graphene, but the lab optimized the process by using commercial pyrolyzed waste rubber from tires. After useful oils are extracted from waste tires, this carbon residue has until now had near-zero value, Tour said.

Tire-derived carbon black or a blend of shredded rubber tires and commercial carbon black can be flashed into graphene. Because turbostratic graphene is soluble, it can easily be added to cement to make more environmentally friendly concrete.

The Rice lab flashed tire-derived carbon black and found about 70% of the material converted to graphene. When flashing shredded rubber tires mixed with plain carbon black to add conductivity, about 47% converted to graphene. Elements besides carbon were vented out for other uses.

The electrical pulses lasted between 300 milliseconds and 1 second. The lab calculated electricity used in the conversion process would cost about $100 per ton of starting carbon.

The researchers blended minute amounts of tire-derived graphene — 0.1 weight/percent (wt%) for tire carbon black and 0.05 wt% for carbon black and shredded tires — with Portland cement and used it to produce concrete cylinders. Tested after curing for seven days, the cylinders showed gains of 30% or more in compressive strength. After 28 days, 0.1 wt% of graphene sufficed to give both products a strength gain of at least 30%.

This increase in strength is in part due to a seeding effect of 2D graphene for better growth of cement hydrate products, and in part due to a reinforcing effect at later stages, Rouzbeh Shahsavari of C-Crete Technologies, who co-led the study, said.

Posted: Mar 30,2021 by Roni Peleg
Danny Ledford (not verified)

Could this flash technology be used in the evolution of the tailpipe emission systems.
The Catalytic Converter was a major break through in lower harmful emissions.
The next step is to control Co2 emissions

Thu, 05/26/2022 - 03:57 Permalink